Thursday, January 26, 2017

Battlefield 4

4) Battlefield 4 :

Download Now :
Installation Process ;
1) First mount the file
2) Then click “set up.exe’ file
3) Choose install location
4) Click install
5) Enjoy

Battlefield 4 System Requirements
Minimum RequirementRecommended
ProcessorAMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHZAMD Six-Core CPU Intel quad-core CPU
Memory4 GB8 GB
Graphics CardAMD Radeon HD 3870 NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GTAMD Radeon HD 7870 NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660
Graphics Memory512 MB3 GB

About Battlefield 4

Battlefield 4 is a modern military first person shooter that was developed by EA DICE, the same development company behind all of the major releases in the Battlefield series of first person shooters. With Battlefield 4, DICE did something different that normal, they included a single player story campaign. The single player campaign is set in the near future 2020 and tells of a conflict between Russia and the United States with China just coming into the conflict. Players take control of Sgt Recker who is second in command of the Tombstone special ops unit of the United States military. The story follows an open world, sand box style game play where players have some freedom outside of the main objectives that drive the story.
While the single player portion of Battlefield 4 received mixed reviews from critics, the multiplayer portion was universally praised. This component includes three playable factions, China, Russia and the United States with two of the three sides fighting in up to 64 player matches online. The multiplayer portion for Battlefield 4 also includes the return of Commander Mode which puts one player from each team into the role of commander. Rather than play/view the game from the first person perspective, this player will view the game from the top down, birds eye view that is common in real time strategy games.
This gives the player in the commander role, the ability to survey the entire battlefield, relaying information and communicating with teammates making them aware of enemy locations, issue orders, deploying vehicles and weapons and more.
Battlefield 4 Multiplayer included nine maps in the initial release but that has risen to more than 20 through the DLCs that have been released. Each of the three factions also include 4 character kits that give soldiers different abilities and weapon load outs.

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